Web Accessibility

from Digital Classic

The UK's newest Web Accessibility agency

Web Accessibility is about building websites and digital services that can be used by everyone, including disabled people.

Take practical action to ensure your website is more inclusive. Get help understanding and implementing WCAG 2.1 AA.

Launching soon - get in touch

Selected clients:

A line illustration of a cartoon white man holding a magnifying glass above an iMac computer, in the eye of the magnifying glass is binary representing code. The image is coloured green.

A line illustration of a cartoon white woman with a headset talking to a cartoon white man with black hair from the inside of an iMac computer. To the side is a houseplant, the illustration is coloured blue.

Accessibility services

  • Consult: offering advice to leadership, product owners, designers and developers.
  • Audit: going into more depth to capture the biggest issues
  • Remediate: action development work to fix issues
  • Support: guiding your developers during the process with clear instructions
Let's arrange a chat